PLENARY AND Invited Speakers


PLENARY speakers

- Prof. Hiroshi Fujioka (Univ. of Tokyo) - Sputtering Epitaxial Growth of III Nitrides and Its Device Applications

- Dr. Dario Gil (IBM) - The Physics of AI and Quantum Computing

- Prof. Evelyn Hu (Harvard University) - Semiconductors at the Frontiers of Quantum Technologies

- Prof. Mark Rodwell (Univ. of California - Santa Barbara) - Transistors: mm-Wave and Low-Power VLSI

invited speakers. 

- Prof. Martin Albrecht (IKZ Berlin)

- Dr. Philippe Boucaud (CHREA)

- Dr. Allen Bracker (Naval Research Laboratory)

- Prof. Jesus del Alamo (MIT)

- Dr. Dean DeLongchamp (NIST)

- Prof. Enrique Calleja (Polytechnical University of Madrid)

- Dr. Mary Crawford (Sandia National Lab)

- Dr. Marcelo Davanco (NIST)

- Prof. Daniel Feezell (UNM)

- Prof. Andrea Ferrari (Univ. of Cambridge)

- Prof. Susan Fullerton (Pittsburgh University)

- Prof. Jean-Christophe Harmand (C2N Paris)

- Prof. John Heron (Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor)

- Mark Hersam (Northwestern Univ.)

- Prof. Chris Hinkle (UT Dallas)

- Dr. Robert Howell (Northrop Grumman)

- Prof. Asif Islam Khan (Georgia Tech)

- Prof. Yoshinao Kugamai (TUAT, Japan)

- Prof. Lincoln Lauhon (Northwestern University)

- Prof. Stephanie Law (Univ. Delaware)

- Dr. Amy Liu (IQE)

- Prof. Hideto Miyake (Mie University)

- Prof. Becky Peterson (Univ. of Michigan)

- Prof. Siddharth Rajan (Ohio State University)

- Prof. Nitin Samarth (Penn State Univ.)

- Dr. Kohei Sasaki (Tamura/NCT)

- Prof. Javad Shabani (NYU)

- Prof. James Speck (Univ. of California - Santa Barbara)

- Dr. Qian Sun (Sinano)

- Dr. Masamitu Takahashi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan)

- Dr. Tsuyoshi Takahashi (Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan)

- Prof. Eric Tournie (Univ. of Montpellier)

- Prof. Michael Uren (Bristol University)

- Prof. Edward Wasige (U. of Glasgow)

- Prof. Michael Watts (MIT)

- Prof. Lars-Erik Wernersson (Lund University)

- Prof. Yong Zhang (UNC Charlotte)